I know that I am really REALLY going to regret not staying up on Joshua's blog for the last few months.
I must say that being home isn't exactly what I had imagined :-( I am still working hard to get my house in order and getting acclimated to being home after being gone for so long. I haven't been using my computer at all so....well....if I don't get on the computer I don't get this updated. BAD LEAH!
I will work harder about making sure to get updates loaded. I SWEAR!
So, our little Joshua is a rock star! Just in case you were having some doubts. ;-) He is still a behind as far as developmental issues go but he is trying really hard. His vocabulary is building and he is starting to get interested in moving and eating. Slowly but surely...he will get there.
He is as cute as ever and if course still a little tricky to figure out. He has been back and forth between Missoula and Seattle every 3 weeks. The only exception to this is this month. He made it the WHOLE 4 weeks from last discharge to his clinic follow up. We will be taking off to Seattle tomorrow and I am planning on just coming back home on Wednesday. Of course, this is MY plan but I am constantly reminded that it is not I who is in control, but the Lord.
Joshua is still battling with the chest effusions. We have started him on oxygen at night to see if maybe that will help. The thought is maybe the elevation of where we are is affecting him. He seems to be tolerating it pretty well.
I WILL update you after the appointment with the latest statistics.
I hope this finds you all well. Thanks for caring.
Joshua (like my other kiddo's) has really taken a liking to 'Bob Bob' (Spongebob). I was putting him in his PJ's one night and he kept pointing to the orange cowboy hats on them and questionably saying 'Bob Bob'. His brother has Spongebob pajamas so I decided that Joshua needed a pair also. He was SO happy to have them on. He woke up in the middle of the night and pulled his leg all the way up to his face, focused, said 'Bob Bob' and went back to sleep!! I thought it was so cute that he wanted to make sure that he was still in them. I love that he knows what he likes. Reminds me that despite everything....he is in ways, a typical almost 2 year old. ( Can you believe it??)
When we were in Seattle last I decided to get myself a tent camper. I have been looking at them for quite sometime. I was REALLY itching to get it out before the summer was up. At the end of August we took the kids out. We loaded up and headed to Kalispell. We ended up 'camping' out at my Aunt and Uncle's house. They have a little piece of heaven out by the Lost Prairie Airport. We had a blast being able to play at the lake and ride the 4 wheelers while still having the safety net of the house in case we needed it for Joshua. It was super nice to spend sometime up at their house with them. I have missed it so much! Even after 4 days they said we could come back. :) Joshua will need to work on his camping skills. I discovered that he is actually afraid of the dark. I had never thought about it but darkness (complete darkness) is something that he has never really experienced. We were in the camper and after all the lights were off his nighttime chatter started to sound a little distressed to I reached for my little mini flashlight. He pulled it from my hands and shined it straight into his eyes, holding it tight with both hands. So....we slept with the lights on the rest of the trip. He also won't stay under the darn blankets. I am going to have to invest in some blanket sleepers for him I think.

Leah, Joshua looks absolutely wonderful! I think being home in Montana is definitely agreeing with this little guy :) It is great to see that you are having some fun summer adventures. Thanks for the update!
Holy smokes, he is getting so BIG!! I love all the pictures and the updates.. we've been thinking of you guys!
Oh my goodness! He is so cute! Karlee's boyfriend is just getting so big....we miss you guys lots. We wish we could bump into you at clinic. Karlee will be one next month and she too is getting so big! Well...give our Joshy some hugs and kisses....we miss you!
Devon, Ryan and Karlee
OH MY GOSH! Our sweet little Joshua is getting so big and grown up! Karlee sure misses him...and of course we do too! We hope to run into you one of these clinic visits!!! miss you lots!
Ryan, Devon and Karlee
He looks so big! Great too :) He's really changed so much, glad to hear he's doing well. Good luck in Seattle this week and drive safe! We could be a stopping point/break if you need one, we're about 6 miles from the Vantage bridge and you're more than welcome! Take care!
look @ the cutie! typical 2 YO! i am so glad that you guys are @ home. and had a great trip! that is exciting! why are ya'l staying around seattle? labs? !thanks for keeping us updated
Thanks for the update. He is sooooo cute.
He's looking awesome!!! And so big! Glad things are going well...let us know if you ever need a stopping point on your way thru to Seattle or back home to Montana. We'd love to see you again :) Take care!
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