So....I could just delete the last post but then you all couldn't join in the entertainment of my oh so crazy life.
Bree (bless her heart) just called again. They couldn't get a bed in the ICU for the 3rd so now the surgery will be on June 2nd. However, the clincher is that the pre-op and Cath will have to be done on Friday May 30th. So, sadly it looks like I will not be here for the fundraiser. :-(
I am starting to get a little hesitant about making too many plans!! I have to say though that I LOVE the staff at Children's. Amber, the outreach coordinator is going to see if she can help us get a room at the RMcD House so that we don't have to travel too far with Joshua over the weekend. We are lucky to have family in the Seattle area but I don't think the little guy will feel much like being in his car seat for a couple hours travel time after the long ride there and being poked and prodded all day long!
So...until further notice.... ;-) June 2nd is the big day!