Monday, October 20, 2008


I am finally feeling better and was able to go to see Joshua. His nurse said she thought it would be a good idea for me to come up because he was in a funk. I put on a mask and away I went. :) He was very happy to see me and perked up. We played for a while and then he decided it was nap time. It took him a while to settle because he kept making sure I was still there. I did sneak out when the nurse came back from lunch. It is VERY hard to sit there wearing the masks for too long. :-(
He seemed to be doing pretty well although he is a little puffy. Dr Jeffries is on this week and has already started making changes to get some fluid off. I also got to chat with Dr Law. We are going to be meeting tomorrow to "talk transplant". They were waiting for a sonogram of his abdomen to see if he has another effusion. Looks like he has something going on but probably not enough that itneeds to be tapped. HOPEFULLY.
I will be going back up after supper to hang out with him again for a couple hours.

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