Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The oscillator ventilator is gone~

So at 1:45 pm they moved him back to the conventional ventilator. He had another bronchoscopy at 8 am this morning. He was bag suctioned for the better part of an hour. Since Joshua was able to maintain his #'s so well he got to go back to the regular ventilator. I didn't realize how loud the other one was until it was turned off!
They are talking about doing a rigid bronchoscopy in the OR maybe in the next couple days depending how things go. The hope (or my hope) is that they can get him off the Vec and maybe he can start to move some of the secretions on his own. I would like to not see him have to go back to the OR if it is avoidable.
There were no other major changes today. We wanted to change as little as possible so we were sure that he was handling everything ok.

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