We are on schedule to be out of here Wednesday or Thursday morning! I can't believe it. Little Joshua could very well be spending his second Easter at "home". (Home this year will be Ronald McDonald House...but it will not be the hospital!) And for the record....he was home last year for Easter too....dressed up in a bunny outfit of course! :)
It is amazing to me that we are actually at this point. I can hardly believe it. As my friend Angie said earlier, he will now be my boy and not someone's assignment. True, oh so true! I can hardly wait. I know it will be a lot of work and this month will be rough trying to wrap up work and learn to care for him but it is going to be ok. I am sure that it will breeze right on by. I am ready.
Trevor has really enjoyed entertaining Joshua during his Spring Break. I have a WONDERFUL video of belly laughing that I will try and YouTube. It is awesome and

I don't know that he really understands what all of this means. When I told him last night that we would be taking him out of the hospital he immediately started quizzing me about what I would do if something went wrong. I think he is a little worried but I know he will be at ease next weekend when he sees him in more of a "home" environment. Trevor is my overly sensitive, concerned child! He is a HUGE help and I know he will like to have more of a role in tending to him.
I think that Joshua will have a little bit of a rough transition. He LOVES to entertain and flirt with all the staff. He will have to adjust to just me for a bit and clinic visits. Hopefully he will keep the same spunk and attitude. :) Plus, it will be much easier for me to be silly and act like an idiot when I am not around everyone!
What GREAT news!!! I'm so excited for you :) Keep up the great work Joshua!
I am so so excited!! You guys are going to have a BIG FAT PARTY at the RMH. There is going to be four of you... that is crazy!! I will be there Tuesday...not for clinic, but if I can make it over I will come be party of the "you're finally getting out of there" farewell committee.
Your boys are too cute!!
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