Then I thought I heard something like we have a clinic scheduled on Wednesday but I didn't quite catch it so I asked that Kelly, the transplant coordinator, be called back in later for clarification. I am glad to report that I am NOT loosing my mind. I did indeed hear that! If all goes well they are planning on letting Joshua make the transition to the Ronald McDonald House next Wednesday. Yep...that is ONE WEEK from today. Friday is slated as the back up date! I am so overwhelmed I can barely put a thought together to type this email and thank goodness for spellchecker!
Joshua will go to IR tomorrow to have his GJ Tube replaced with a G Button! :) He will also have his PICC line REMOVED!! He has been sporting that for almost a year! He goes in at 9 am so please be praying that it all goes smoothly! He does have that clot at the end of the PICC line that will have to be dealt with. Kirby (from IR) said that sometimes they can use TPA and be successful in pulling the clot out. I am voting for that option!
My mom will be bringing Theresa (my aunt) over on Friday so that we can train her on how to take care of Joshua. She will be the back up in case something happens to me. I am feeling very blessed that this was an option. She will have to be here for a week and I was worried about being able to pull it off on such short notice.
We will have to come back and forth to Seattle for the 1st year on a bi-monthly and monthly basis. Somethings can be looked at in Missoula but they want him to come to clinic here in addition to seeing the cardiologist and pediatrician in Missoula. They said that I could possibly come home sooner if I wanted to but I would have to come here weekly. I haven't put a lot of thought into that yet but I am glad to know that it is an option. I would do 3 days in Seattle and 4 in Missoula.
Some of you may know this already but as of May 18th I will no longer be employed. I have worked for this company for 10 1/2 years so this is going to be a BIG adjustment. They have decided to close down the Missoula location and my job will be relocated to New York. Part of me is sad and the other part is relieved. It is nothing more than affirmation to me that the Lord is in complete control! There is no way that I would be able to work and take care of Joshua in the way that he needs and deserves. This took the decision away from me. I don't know what my future holds as far as work goes. I will have to do something because the bills do need to get paid! But I will be allowed sometime to think about that. I know that the Lord will show me what I am supposed to do.
The timing in all of this will also correspond with Trevor's summer vacation so we will be able to come back and forth together with no worries. The Lord is AWESOME!

I am SO thrilled for you!!!!! No rejection and going home..HORRAY for that!
I will continue to pray that things keep going your way!! And I too had to leave my job in September... it was the best thing that ever happened. I still don't know how we pay the bills or will continue to living in two different states... but God will provide a way.
Leah, this is such great news, I'm just beaming from ear to ear by these photos. He looks great! I'm so excited that home is in sight. Julie
Wow Leah, It is happening so fast now. Right down to the job coming to an end. God is amazing. In biblestudy lastnite we talked about His timing and here it is reaffirmed to me again.
I am so happy for you.
Thanks for the cute pictures and the update.
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