Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well just as I posted the last post Dr Johnston came in. :) Everything went well. He placed 2 stints in the shunt. The narrowing at the ventricle was pretty substantial and he was able to almost double the size. There was also a little narrowing at the top where there was a little curve so he put a stint there too. The sats didn't increase immediately, which they were hoping to see so they will watch it over the next couple days. If his stats don't go up as a result of the stints then they will have to decide to either go ahead with the glenn or place another shunt.
They were also looking at his pulmonary arteries. His left pulmonary artery is small. Dr Johnston ballooned that but says that it will require more attention later. Dr Cohen will have to decide the plan of action. Most likely Dr Johnston will place a large stint there when he has his glenn procedure. It requires a larger stint than what can safely be done in the cath lab.
So now we sit, pray and wait.