Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday Update (lunch time)

Joshua remains about the same. They have determined that a higher blood pressure amounts to a happier baby. They have put him on some medication to boost that BP and his body has responded much better. He is still on the ventilator. The doctors have not done rounds yet today. They are running behind. As long as we are not the emergency case then I am ok. :) I have learned that you do not want to be the hottest fire around here. I am totally ok with waiting.
I went up and spent some time with him just a while ago. He opened up his eyes and looked at me. He tried to muster up a little smile but was rather curious as to what the nurse behind him was doing. He has the nicest nurse ever. She really likes him and is very doting. That makes it nice.... :) He also opened his eyes for James when he got there this morning. It is so nice to see him somewhat alert.
I will let you know what I find out after rounds.