Sunday, June 8, 2008


Latest News:
They moved the tube last night. It was pretty gross as the fluid that they drained was puss. YUCK! They got about about 50 cc's. It now seems to be draining clear.
It was determined that it was pneumonia. Any infections of the lung is classified as pneumonia, so there we have it. There hasn't been any other major changes. He is running a slight fever right now. His sats are in the mid 70's which is great for him being sick. He has some swelling in his face but seems to be resting comfortably.They are going to take the central line out of neck and try and place a picc line in his lower body somewhere. This will probably take place tomorrow as I am confident that it will have to be placed in the radiology lab. They tried to put in a line last week and couldn't....that is why the cath was in his left neck. So we will see what happens. We don't want any central lines in the upperbody before the glenn procedure because of risks that are associated with clotting.
I will update more and post a picture for you all to see later.