chances are you are not. I was ready to come here and pass Joshua on for his care. We had his clinic appointment and that one went well. We prepped him for his cath and gave him over at 2pm. It took almost 4 hours for them to get the cath in. Dr Johnston finally came out and talked to me at 7:30 pm last night. He looked and me and said "I am really worried about his heart function...." and my heart sank. The had a very hard time getting access. They couldn't get in either leg as those are both damaged from previous lines. (This issue will be addressed in the future.) the right neck didn't work either, but they finally got it in the left side. Since everything is made to access from the right, this was a really hard procedure. They could determine that the heart is not functioning very well. The blood flow through the aorta is narrowing and that will need to be addressed before the surgery. He also developed several heart arrhythmia's yesterday that really concerned the doctors. They admitted him to the ICU and started him on 2 medications. One will hopefully help with the heart function and the other is to help with the arrhythmia's. His heart beat has slowed and appears to be beating much better and firing from the correct part of his heart. We won't know how he is responding to the melranone for the function for another day or so. His O2 saturation has also dropped. He is usually in the mid to high 80's and now with oxygen is still dipping into the low 60's.
He didn't sleep well last night and was really cranky today but seems to be doing better this afternoon.
We won't know until Monday morning whether or not they will go forward with surgery on Monday or not. I will update you all as we find out. Right now we are just hanging tight.
Please pray that Joshua's heart will not get any worse and for the team of doctors who are deciding what their plan of action will be.