I talked to the Care Coordinator at Children's to discuss housing options. It looks like we should be able to get into the Ronald McDonald House. We are pretty close to the top of the waiting list. That is a big relief.
Joshua had his appointment with Dr Hardy yesterday. Everything seems to be good. His breathing has been a little labored the last few days and he was running a slight temperature yesterday. (101.1) He seems to be better today. He sneezed a lot but wasn't cranky and didn't sleep near as much as he did yesterday. I was getting a little worried that he was catching something but I think it is all ok.
Please pray for all our health. If any of us get sick this week we will not be staying at the RMcD house. It is imperative that you are in good health before and during your stay. You don't want to make a fragile child sick with something that they can't fight off.
We want to say THANK YOU to all the wonderful people that are working so hard to put Joshua's Fundraiser together. We sure wish that we could be there! Thank you all for your support and continued prayers!